Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grandma is spoiling him again

I know he is the the closest grandchild, but starting him on the beaters this early?

Bubble boy!

Our afternoon with the bubble machine. I think he was much more interested in the on and off button and than the actual bubbles. Oh those techno geek genes.

Faces of Caden

Sometimes, you just can't capture all of the goofy expressions your kids makes. I tried, but this just doesn't do it justice.

Easter 2010

Our Easter day was filled with lots of little ones looking for eggs. And some of them were not so little. :)

Bluebonnet time!

We found some bluebonnets and Crimson clovers to play in this year. Even had some fog to make for a cool effect. Caden had fun for awhile, but then turned his pouty face on. April 2010

Our family portraits!

Some of our favorites from the Pinkletoes shoot.

Sunny afternoon

Gosh, I have been bad about posting. Here was a sunny afternoon back in February.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

And he's off - Family photos posted

Awhile back we finally had our very first family photos taken by Pinkle toes. Michelle is an award winning photographer in Austin and you will see why when you check out her website. We were so excited about this day and it took a lot to get Chris there. But we had a great time. Standing in 6 inches of mud, sticking it out in the rain, cold, sticking through nap time. We put up with it all, just for these fabulous photos.

But it was all worth it! I love, love, love them! Can't wait to blow them up huge.

Check out Michelle's other work while you are there. She is fabulous.

Thanks Michelle!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Valentine Fairy

I forgot to post this...

Caden's first snow storm

This week we had snow in Houston Tx. Yes, I know it is crazy! So at 1, Caden got to experience snow. He loved it. Was a little cold, as we don't own a coat for him, but for his 5 minutes outside, he was fine. Here are two of my favorites.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Caden turns 1!

I can not believe that is has been a year, since I met my little miracle for the first time. I remember that first day so vividly. Waking up in the middle of the night in labor, welcoming him after 5 hours, waiting 6 hours before I could hold him due to him being in the NICU. Oh it was a long day, and a long night, as I just held him close to me, once I did finally get my hands on him.
And now, a full year later, we have gone through and learned so much. Being a first time mom, I was so green at so much. But we made it through and we are still standing!
For all of you moms that are still in the middle of those sleepless nights, hang in there. They will end. You are headed for some fun times ahead. Today was a great example of that. We had many moments of laughter this weekend. He is getting so smart and fun to be around. Here is a few photos from his first birthday today.
Enjoy those little ones, they grow up way too fast!